Pubblicati da Il_Melograno

Massimo (Max) Bernardi

Max Bernardi, or crackling inventiveness and applied imagination. The trash art of the artist puts in discussion not only the concept of physical discard – he uses objects that somebody else has thrown, finding a new utility of it – but the concept of discard in ampler sense, as refuse or rejection of the society […]


Daria Faggi

L’attenzione alla storia dell’arte, e il recupero di materiali esistenti, costituiscono il filo conduttore dell’Arch. Faggi, che con le sue creazioni figurative pone una proposta provocatoria nella costruzione di un immaginario generato da materiali riciclati, sovrapponendo il presente a tracce preesistenti, generando con leggerezza e ironia un innesto tra passato e futuro. Con i mezzi […]



Davide Giallombardo From an early age, his particular susceptibility to drawing was clear. The excellent ability to reproduce articles or cartoons, in an incredibly realistic way, doesn’t belong to all children.Yet, despite his artistic aptitude, Giallombardo attended the Technical Institute for Surveyors.Soon, the Tuscan artist understood that the road he had taken wasn’t the right […]
